Suffering from chronic pain, we discover a giant 23 cm tumor

Suffering from chronic pain, we discover a giant 23 cm tumor

A 55-year-old Indian woman underwent an unexpected surgery a few days ago in the northwest of the country.

In the past, she showed incredible resistance to pain. A 55-year-old woman residing in Jhunjhunu (India) made headlines recently after an unexpected visit to Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital, the main health facility in this city of about 120,000 people.

Emergency operation after three years of suffering

As the story says, which includes information from womanThe fifty-year-old girl suffered for three years from chronic pain, most notably difficulty walking and breathing. After suffering in silence for a long time, she finally decided to consult the doctors who decided to have her surgery done as soon as possible.

On December 8, the patient went to the pool table. If the surgeons did not take long to find out the origin of her pathology, then this is surprising: doctors have already extracted from the body of the fifties a huge tumor 23 cm long and weighing more than 3 kg!

The tumor is usually 2 to 8 centimeters in size.

“It was very shocking for us,” says Dr. Prashant Sharma, an oncologist who was involved in this unusual operation. The tumor is usually 2 to 8 centimeters long, but this tumor in the ovary was so large that it started out. stomach “.

Fortunately, the whole process went without a hitch, and the 50-year-old came completely out of the woods and freed from her chronic pain. Belgian media quoted Dr. Prashant Sharma, congratulating the patient, who is now in complete health and has been able to walk since the day of the surgery.

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