Stop cyberattacks or you will pay the consequences: the West’s warning to China
The United States did not take such a hardline stance towards the Chinese government, accusing it not only of covering up the malicious operations of domestic hacker groups, but also of actively cooperating in organizing attacks targeting other countries. However, the first accusations in this sense were made by the European Union and the United Kingdom, to which many other countries have joined.
Relationships for some time now Between the United States and China In terms of cybersecurity, they are somewhat risky, but for the first time something similar to an official accusation of cyber terrorism against Beijing began from the West: yesterday the Biden administration accused the Chinese government Not only to cover Malicious operations of local hacker groups, but Actively cooperate in the organization Cyber attacks directed against organizations and individuals in the United States and abroad. Among the attacks that the Chinese government holds responsible for are the massive ones Microsoft Exchange server hack (Redmond’s postal and organization service is practically ubiquitous among companies and organizations all over the world) which according to unofficial sources can cost data reconciliation of more than 250,000 organizations and their affiliates or their employees.
EU complaint
Proof of the seriousness of the accusations against China is the fact that the United States They did not move on their own, but in agreement with the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and NATO countries. In particular, the European Union began to talk about attacks that come systematically from China, which has always been more cautious in making similar accusations: referring to the attack on Microsoft Exchange, the EU representative spoke of a process that allowed, sequentially, and will continue to allow Hackers target thousands of computers and networks around the world, causing massive incidence حدوث Economic damage to the entire community. Since this episode, the discourse has moved to point the finger at more widespread and targeted intrusion attempts Government institutions and political organizations in the European Union and its member states.
US shipment
The latest shipment came from the United States, which unlike the European Union has never spared itself when it comes to criticizing Beijing. The differences compared to the past – which refers to the escalation of cyber hostilities between the two economic superpowers – are two types: the first is coordination with allied countries in the actions of denunciation. The second is precisely the fact that for the first time the United States Formalizing his accusations of having one direction Behind espionage, intellectual property theft, ransomware extortion and computer hacks geographically attributed to Chinese territory and the groups operating within it.
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UK: ‘You will be held accountable’
The tension between the two blocs can be summed up in the position taken by the British Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, that “attacks on Microsoft Exchange servers by Chinese state-backed hacker groups are all too familiar.” “The Chinese government must put an end to these tactics of cyber sabotage and can rest assured that they will be directly responsible for the consequences if this does not happen,” Raab said.
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