Stay human in new photo gallery –

Stay human in new photo gallery –

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is about to arrive, long after pregnancy
Dying Light 2: Stay Human is about to arrive, long after pregnancy

Techland published a rich profile Galleria from new pictures from Dying Light 2: Stay Human, the official sequel to his title in Zombies and Parkour. You can find them grouped in the gallery below.

If you want more information, read our experience of Dying Light 2, newly published, in which Pierpaolo Greco wrote:

Dying Light 2: Stay Human appears to live up to a large part of its promise, and after hours of testing, we can confirm that while our expectations were particularly high, the game didn’t disappoint at all. exactly the contrary. The idea of ​​taking the first chapter and enriching it from every point of view, from the map, to combat, to enemies, to crafting, to quests, was certainly the smartest choice a Techland could make: a great familiarity once you had the board in your hand, but at the same time it seemed That there is a sea of ​​things, and many other things, that you can do within the game. At the moment, we just feel the desire to raise some doubts about the technical sector and above all about artificial intelligence, but we are waiting to see a more advanced version of the game, perhaps close to the release.

For the rest, we remind you that Dying Light 2: Stay Human is in development for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch (cloud).

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