South Pacific companies hope to sell their products and services to New Zealanders
The 10th South Pacific Economic Meeting took place on Tuesday in Paris at the State Department headquarters. About Jean-Francois Karenko, Minister Delegate for Overseas Employers in the three territories of Oceania wanted to assess the business they lead. Above all, they returned to the key meeting of 2023 of which they have high hopes for development: the Franco-Pacific Business Forum in Auckland.
On March 6, 2023 in Auckland, New Zealand, the French Pacific Forum is planned at the initiative of French employers in the South Pacific.
60 business leaders, 30 Polynesians and 30 Caledonians will attempt to sell their land, knowledge and products to about sixty New Zealand business owners.

Alongside the Minister Delegate for Foreign Affairs, Jean-François Karenko (center).
In other words, how do you do business in New Zealand? From construction equipment to materials recycling, including digital services and farm foods like shrimp, tuna, vanilla, hibiscus or lemon..the South Pacific employers hope to finally sell to those they usually buy from. “New Zealand companies are attracted to these markets they don’t know. They know very little about New Caledonia and Polynesia because we’re customers. Today they don’t think we can do things. We can do Swac, conditioning.”explains Christophe Bley, President of CPME.
Four more economic meetings of this kind are being held with other neighboring countries: Australia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Japan.
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”