Sounds and lights in the Zeiss Grand Dome: a leap into space-time

Sounds and lights in the Zeiss Grand Dome: a leap into space-time

At the initiative of the Quebec representation in Germany, two experimental artists took over the screens of the Berlin Dome for an immersive performance between art and quantum physics.

As a result of close cooperation between France Gobin And Marcus Hickman, tangle It is defined as immersion in the intersection of scientific and artistic research. Last Thursday, 300 spectators in the planetarium hall were immersed in the world of quantum physics in an experience that was as hypnotic as it was creative.

Video: Understand what quantum physics is in 2 minutes

Projection into a planetarium: the challenges of a spherical screen

The arrival of Frans Jobin and Marcus Hickman is the result of a joint project between them Representing the Government of Quebec in GermanyEnterprise Planetarium Berlin And the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT)headquartered in Montreal.

The Canadian province of Quebec is among the world’s leaders in immersive and interactive technologies and has a very active and dynamic media arts scene.

In this context, the full dome, as found in the Zeiss Grand Dome, presents itself as a special place offering new development possibilities for technological and experimental innovations. It allows you to experience scientific and artistic content in a unique way.

Answering questions from the electronic music and physics enthusiasts in the room, Frans Gobin discusses the challenge presented by the spherical screen. When composing music, she must think of her creativity as being compatible with the computer graphics created by Marcus Hickman.

Unlike cinema, sound and image involve us at the same time. In the world of the infinitely small, quantum laws rule. to tangleThe duality seeks to represent particles that undergo similar properties. Pieces of these generative structures thus have the potential to come together and create audio or visual “chaos.”

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At the nanoscale level, the human eye does not recognize anything. While Marcos and France are in control, the spectator is hypnotized and searches for landmarks under the dome.

France Jobin Marcus Hickman Sound and Light Quebec Tangle Planetarium Berlin
Frans Jobin and Markus Hickman combine their skills on the dome screen, ensuring hypnotism… © Laurent OFFERLE GUILLOTIN LPJ Germany

History of the Berlin Planetarium

The Zeiss Planetarium is Europe’s newest science theater. It was erected as one of the last representative buildings of the former German Democratic Republic on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the founding of Berlin in 1987. Renovated in 2016, it supports new media arts content, requiring modern display technologies. He is one of them.

Its 30-metre-diameter dome shapes Berlin’s urban landscape. The large 307-seat planetarium hall and 160-seat cinema hall provide space for exciting adventures in the world of astronomy and science.

A space for science, art and culture

The astronomical enterprise is not new when it comes to making space music and rhyme: for example, performance Cosmic rock It offers a different style of music inside the planetarium.

In addition to the cinema room and some exhibition elements in the hall, the Zeiss Planetarium opens its doors to all audiences through diversification Programming.

Astronomy education with elementary and middle school, concerts, readings, participatory workshops, theatre… The Planetarium has many creative and educational initiatives under its dome. Complete program It can be found on their website or page Instagram.

It remains inside the Berlin Planetarium Foundation Archenhold-Sternwart (Treptow area) as well Wilhelm-Förster-Sternort (Schoenberg District) Two other astronomical institutions in Berlin allow observing the stars and planets.

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