“Smash” reinvents the art of voodoo

“Smash” reinvents the art of voodoo

‘Smashed’ by English company Gandini Juggling is a thrilling blend of animated ingenuity that offers a clever look at the tense relationships between seven men and two women. Inspired by Pina Bausch’s theatre, this piece is a succession of tableau vivants, seen as old pictures reminiscent of wars, lost love, or even the ancient magic of afternoon tea. It will be shown at Espace Rohan in Saverne on Wednesday December 14th at 8:30pm.

On stage, 9 jugglers, 80 apples and 4 sets of crockery will impress the audience with a soundtrack ranging from folk songs to classic tunes.

Featuring British, inventive and original humor, this show will present you with a game of mixed juggling, meticulously performed in unison and in a split second. Find Smashed, a company that is constantly touring the world, that never stops reinventing and reinvigorating the art of magic, always writing new forms of contemporary circus.

Wednesday December 14th at 8:30pm on Espace Rohan. Prices: Regular €29 – Reduced €27 – Youth €17. Reservations on 03 88 01 80 40 and tickets on sale at espace-rohan.org

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