Sky & Space Prize for Astronomy Book of the Year 2023: Here are our winners!

The Ciel & Espace Prize for Astronomy Book of the Year has been awarded to Alice Le Gall, Sandrine Guerlet, Sandrine Vinatier and Sébastien Charnoz for Les mondes de Saturne. Natasha Quentin is the winner of the André Brahic Prize for Astronomy for Young People for “Astronomy Watched by Three Teenagers.” Congratulation !

Ascension to Saturn

A book was needed to present the synthesis of the remarkable Cassini-Huygens mission around the ringed planet (2004-2017). So here it is. Written by four scientists involved in the adventure, Saturn worlds Belin brings her readers as close as possible to the research in progress, through texts and icons of great richness.

Be it the giant itself, its rings or its many moons – starting with the fantastic Titan – both the layman and the expert will find the answer to their question here.

A lively and documented book for 10-12 year olds

How do you talk about the history of astronomy, cosmology, space exploration and other very serious subjects to young people who have just entered college? in Watch astronomy by three teenagers (Octopus Fiction), Natacha Quentin succeeds brilliantly by directing Clarisse, Iéléna and Charly, trainee videographers who are determined to share their passion for the stars.

Lively, fun, and well-documented, this book has all the qualities that can make a 6 year old a success.H B and beyond!

See you at Fleurance Festival

as every year, Two prizes for the book Astronomy in the Sky and Spacewill be presented to its authors in August on the occasion of Astronomy Festival (Gers) awards partner alongside the National Center for Space Studies (NCS).CNES), and the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (sf2a) and the library spacetime.

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