Singer Antoine spoke on Quesnoy on Friday to talk about New Zealand

Singer Antoine spoke on Quesnoy on Friday to talk about New Zealand

An icon of a generation, an entire generation passes through Avesnois to present his New Zealand Film, a documentary in which he tells the island from every angle. interview.

Obviously, he still hasn’t cut his hair! Oh no, mop his hair, Antoine very much likes to fly with the winds of the globe. The globe that the famous singer and visual model has traveled many times, in particular to get to New Zealand. Friday, September 16th, he will be at 3 Baloot Theater showing his latest movie Stopover in New Zealand.

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?

Hum… It’s not that easy but I’d say I’m currently a documentary filmmaker and before people knew me mainly as a singer and author of books or photo albums. The youngest ones know me mainly thanks to the pub Atul, optometrists. Because yes, among the 27 professions that I have practiced, there is also an advertising model (laughs).

What is the value of your visit to Le Quesnoy for us?

I came for… New Zealand! I had the opportunity to meet Gerard Rishon, who was the president of the association New Zealand Tell us about the close connection between these two regions. So while waiting to be back to see this beautiful country by Christmas, I have the pleasure to bring him to Le Quesnoy for a unique conference. I will take the opportunity to visit the area.

The Avesnois family is of particular interest to me because of its history with Stevenson.


An area you know a little bit about, right?

My only contact with the region is Cambrai, a town I used to go to regularly for the Fête de la Bêtise. Moreover, it is said, since I was originally an engineer by training and had a design office, I designed one of the rooms in this city. But this is not the case! Even if you open it as a singer.

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So you don’t know Avinua?

No, it will be a discovery. But Avesnois is of particular interest to me because of his history with Stevenson, whose Sambre traveled in a canoe, I believe. So I’ll go shoot all of that a little bit.

videos? here ?

Yes, I plan to shoot on different channels of France. On this occasion we will also go and look at the Canal du Nord shipyard, even if it is more industrial, for large boats. The idea is also to go and see the ramparts of Le Quesnoy and discover what connects the city with New Zealand.

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In his documentary, the backpacker paints a picture of the New Zealand he loved. © Iles… Once upon a time.

And you? What specifically connects you to this country?

I’ve been traveling for years on my boat but it hasn’t left the Pacific Ocean since 2002. Because in that ocean, there are seasons of hurricanes, etc. So generally, to avoid them, sailors go either to Australia or New Zealand. I’ve been going there for years and I must admit: it has truly become one of my favorite destinations, so much so that I’m making a movie about it.

what is he talking about?

It’s just a trip. me and my girlfriend. My first stay there was in 1986, or maybe ’87. So the movie uses pictures that were shot all these years and some of them may be 5, 10 or 15 years old.

What do you like there?

Many things made us fall in love. Residents indeed, very welcoming, very friendly, even if the history between Maori and Pakha (New Zealanders of Anglo-Saxon, European, or non-Maori, ed. note.) was not always simple and then there we are sheltered from typhoons, not forgetting The fact that there are very good professionals for boat maintenance and repair.

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what else?

The country consists of two large islands, the North and the South, each with its own personality and history. Very endearing and multicultural stories. We also feature it in our film with people from Europe, Asia, etc. Cultures are very scattered there. Everyone has their own traditions and some festivals bring that together, it’s amazing. What a variety of landscapes…! Unlike Australia, the island is located on a human scale. It is enough to drive 30 km to completely change the landscape.

What kind of landscape?

Forests, meadows, farms, lots of sheep but also desert places, glaciers, ski resorts, snow, wonderful lakes… It’s a very beautiful country, very interesting and much appreciated by young people who will stay there often.

Do you see the stigma of global warming?

What is the inevitable witness, as everywhere else, are the glaciers. It’s the canary in the coal mine. It’s the glaciers that show that something is going on. They haven’t disappeared yet but they are retreating at full speed. This is certain.

Isle still perfect for the elderly?

So, I have another favorite: Auvergne. I bought an estate there with my first successes, and my copyright in particular. nice place. Well you can’t see the sea there but…it’s very beautiful too!

Practical information

Stops in New Zealand, Friday 16th September at 8pm at 3oaks Theater in Quesnoy. Admission: 5 euros. Information on 03 27 49 09 31. Tickets can be purchased at the Town Hall now.

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