Shows the biometric controls in the Schengen area

Shows the biometric controls in the Schengen area

The EU’s ‘smart frontier’ goes beyond the US

The European Union is weeks away from what could be the world’s largest and most complex biometric deployment.

The Schengen areamust be secured by a Entry and Exit System Land, sea and air consists of hundreds Biometric stations Face and fingerprint recognition.

from September 2022 (Entry/Exit System (Eastern European), followed by despair In May 2023), the system will contribute to the protection of the Schengen area. This is the same pattern of interstate travel in the United States.

a new analysis From Europe’s massive passenger tracking software, he outlines plans that go beyond anything seriously considered in the United States. The author, Philip Linderman, Senior Consular Representative at the United States Mission to the European Union from 2018 to 2021, directly compares the ambitions of the European Union to those of the United States.

Despite all the sentiment around the US border issue and its domestic technological strength, Linderman believes his efforts to track travelers are incomplete and fragmented compared to what is happening in the Schengen area.

The Entry/Exit System (EES) is coupled with the European Travel Information and Authorization System, or ETIAS, which Linderman compares to the US Customs and Protection Agency’s Electronic Travel Authorization System. despair It is used to screen and pre-authorize visa-free travelers to enter the country.

The system will collect biometric data related to fingerprints and faces of all foreign nationals wishing to enter or leave the Schengen area. The data will be collected at air and sea ports as well as land transit points and will be interoperable with all relevant government agencies.

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Linderman notes that the US only performs “true biometric verification of identity at air and sea ports of entry,” and only for travelers and not departures. He said biometric verification is not used at official land crossings, although Determines CBP More than 70 deployments of its biometric system at land crossing points.

This program is a dream for self-verifying biometric kiosk manufacturers, as the European Union is sure to install a large number of these devices at airports. The devices will scan the passports, faces and four fingerprints of each traveler.

Ground lanes entering and exiting the area will be equipped with gates where people will scan their documents, a camera will scan their faces (to match documents) and software will determine entry or exit.

In fact, according to Linderman, the European Union is fundamentally changing the way Schengen border agents operate thanks to this programme.

Officials who screen travelers and their information before loudly stamping documents will wear mobile recording devices and oversee automatic registration processes. Suspicious passengers will be processed by officials only when an unusual event occurs at the station.

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