Should rice be washed before cooking it or not?

Should rice be washed before cooking it or not?

The question of whether it is necessary to rinse rice to obtain a less sticky result is not as simple as it seems. However, it must be admitted that washing rice is important.

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  • Rinsing rice does not reduce its viscosity; rather, the type of rice determines the consistency.
  • Washing rice removes dirt, plastic particles and some arsenic.
  • Washed rice may lose some essential nutrients.
  • Washing does not remove bacteria from rice. Proper cooking and storage does.

Rice: to rinse or not to rinse?

Rice is a mainstay of global gastronomy, supporting the diet of billions of people in Asia and Africa, and serving as a main ingredient in many famous dishes such as Dolmades Greeks, Risotto Italians, Paella Spanish and British rice pudding. However, one question remains: Should rice be pre-washed before cooking it?

Opinions of culinary specialists

Culinary experts suggest that washing rice beforehand can reduce the amount of starch released from the rice grains. However, recent studies challenge this claim, revealing that washing has no effect on the stickiness of rice. It is actually the type of rice chosen that affects its sticky texture. the rice sticky Turns out it’s the stickiest one, instead Medium grain rice And the Jasmine rice It was less sticky and tougher.

Advantages and disadvantages of washing rice

Traditionally, rice is washed Eliminate dust and insects and other debris left over from the peeling process. Additionally, it has been shown that washing can remove up to 20% of microplastics found in rice. However, washing can also cause loss of essential nutrients such as copper, iron, zinc and vanadium.

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It is also known that rice contains relatively high levels ofArsenicIt is a toxic heavy metal of which up to 90% can be removed by washing. However, for people who eat a lot of rice, washing can affect their nutritional intake.

Washing rice and bacteria

Finally, it is important to note that washing rice does not kill bacteria. Cooking at high temperatures is responsible for this removal. Therefore it is necessary to store the rice properly to avoid the spread of bacteria such as Bacillus cereus bacteriaWhich can cause serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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