She discovers a dead snake in a tin can purchased from Aldi

She discovers a dead snake in a tin can purchased from Aldi


As compensation, the customer received two bottles of wine

Opening a can of store-bought white kidney beans in tomato sauce Aldia welsh 26 years old was a bad surprise. was inside snake dead, report Wells Online.

The unfortunate customer told our colleagues, “I almost threw the box across the room when I opened it and saw what was inside.” And to add: “Physically, I could not bring myself to touch her. So I pricked him with a fork and everything moved suddenly, after which I refused to look again.”

Two bottles of wine as compensation

The young woman finally managed to pack the box to bring it to the Aldi store where she had bought it. As compensation, the customer received two bottles of vintage.

The Welsh lady received an apology from the supermarket spokesperson. The latter assumes there is a storage problem. A hole in the box would have let air in and destroy the item. Posted by the main interested party on May 2, the photo has been viewed over a million times Twitter.

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