Sharks cause panic on the Catalan coast

Sharks cause panic on the Catalan coast

A frightening scene was witnessed on the beach of Portbou, in Spanish Catalonia, close to the French border, where shark fins were seen near the swimmers, causing panic among them.

They were swimming calmly in the Mediterranean Sea, on the Catalan coast of Spain, when two guests caused panic in the water. It was 1pm on Sunday, July 16th when swimmers spotted shark fins. Very quickly, all the people in the water recognize the danger and seek shelter for fear of being attacked.

Some pile on a small floating platform while others swim as fast as they can towards the shore, the Spanish newspaper reported the people. More afraid of harming vacationers, the shark quickly reached the open sea. For the mayor of Portbou, the presence of sharks is not a danger to swimmers, the latter being part of the local fauna.

France 3 It states that every year, between mid-spring to the end of summer, juveniles of less than 1 meter in length are regularly observed in Lion’s Bay which is a veritable nursery for this species.

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