“Shanghai was a turning point for the international emergence of universities”

“Shanghai was a turning point for the international emergence of universities”

Before becoming Minister of Higher Education, on May 20, 2022, physicist Sylvie Rétayo was at the head of the University of Paris-Saclay, the flagship of France, 14e In 2020, 13e in 2021 and now ranks 16th in the Shanghai ranking. Granted pilot institution status since 2019, it offers unparalleled scope by combining the former University of Paris-Sud with four major schools, and seven research organizations, to which, in 2025, the universities ‘Evry and Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines will be added. .

How did the establishment of the Shanghai Classification mark a turning point?

This was clearly a turning point for the international view of university institutions, whether they were ranked either globally or by discipline. The university features research-backed training that closely links the two missions. Even if it is a research-based arrangement, which thus does not represent all the tasks of the institutions, the effect is real towards the students.

Between selective private American universities, largely financially subsidized Chinese public universities, and French universities with a public service mission that is still inadequate, does this ranking not compare with incomparable?

It is clear that ratings are not everything and the end of everything, and they should not be made to say more than can be said, because institutions are very different all over the world. Not to mention the question about the lack of consideration for publications in French, which often leads to the disregard of outstanding research in the arts, humanities and social sciences in our universities! But we should be happy to include our French universities because it is recognition of our institutions, and it shows that the research culture is very strong there.

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Have there been so many reforms implemented over the past 20 years in France, in higher education and research, if the Shanghai ranking did not exist?

The recent reforms are clearly in favor of university congregations, by leveraging IDEX and I-SITE [appels à projets organisés par l’Etat pour distribuer d’importants investissements publics], had an impact on the ratings obtained by French institutions. We will continue to support these sites with the “Search” law. [loi de programmation de la recherche, LPR] France’s 2030 investment plan.

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