Sévignacq: The football club’s social space has been opened

Sévignacq: The football club’s social space has been opened

The day started with a beautiful 2-0 girls’ win over Labenne. At noon, after the welcome letter from President Francois Halter and then the speeches of Matthew Rabe, president of the Pyrenees-Atlantic football district, Charles Bilan, representing the county council president, and Michel Cuyubbe, mayor of the municipality, it was the youngest licensee, Charlie, who brought in scissors to cut the opening ribbon The traditional, to the cheering audience applause…

The day started with a beautiful 2-0 girls’ win over Labenne. At noon, after the welcome letter from President Francois Halter and then the speeches of Matthew Rabe, President of the Pyrenees-Atlantic Football District, Charles Bilan, representing the President of the Provincial Council, and Michel Koube, Mayor of the Municipality, was the youngest licensee, Charlie, who brought the scissors to cut the traditional opening ribbon , to the cheering applause of the crowd.

Type of work

Then everyone was able to visit the new equipment and appreciate the quality of the work performed. Tables set up for a vin d’honneur accompanied by excellent toasts prepared by bakery Clouté de Sévignacq and Rosez de Garlin, partners of the club, and animated by Paum’Kannel’s musician group.

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In the afternoon, the first team greeted Poey-de-Lescar, a game without bets played in front of a large crowd and concluded with a 4-1 defeat of the locals.

Head-to-head memories of young people and adults in the soccer school that accompanied the adults in front of so many people. A beautiful day that will mark the club’s history.

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