Secrets of happiness at work

Secrets of happiness at work

To find out if we are happy at work, we must ask ourselves why we work, for whom, with whom, and how. The New Zealand news website things.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have reconsidered their relationship to work, wanted to change lanes or simply work differently. The future of work is not discussed in this way. New Zealand news site things So they wondered what makes us really happy at work. according to him, “What makes us really happy at work has less to do with our jobs”.

What do we do and why?

According to psychologist Natasha Kessler, the weight of the salary is completely exaggerated. Of course, it is important that you earn enough to be able to support yourself, and even a little more. But once this threshold is reached, we realize that other factors take precedence. These factors are not material but symbolic. You have to feel aligned with your company’s values ​​and believe in managing it. In short, not only to find meaning in their activities but also to share the same values. And if not, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to be happy at work: “Keseler believes that happiness at work comes not only from what you do but from why you do it.” The psychologist suggests identifying six core values ​​and determining if you share at least two of them with your company.

Who do we work with?

But it is not only the question of what and why, but also the question with whom. In short, the nature and purpose of the business are as important as the people you work with. To be happy at work, you need to feel supported, motivated, able to learn new skills from your colleagues, and be exposed to new projects.

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For Jarrod Haar, Professor of Human Resource Management at Auckland University of Technology’s Business School, companies must ensure their employees develop in such a climate, and for that, they must reward good people more. managers and get rid of the bad ones. Without this, the well-being of everyone at work cannot be ensured because it is not based on individual attitudes but on policies.

How do I do my job?

In addition to why and with whom we work, Jarrod Haar suggests asking how we work. More flexibility, as has often been the case since the pandemic, is a guarantee of happiness at work. 100% telecommuting and face-to-face interaction, unlike hybrid formulas, will be problematic because it will lead to fatigue, isolation and a lack of separation between personal and professional life.

If your values ​​don’t match those of your company, you don’t like your colleagues, you don’t feel supported and you don’t fit the pace of work, it’s time to look for a new job!

Here are the five questions to ask a potential future employer, according to Natasha Kesseler:

  • 1. What is your vision for the company during the next two to three years?
  • 2. What are the company’s values?
  • 3. How would you describe management?
  • 4. Are there development prospects for me?
  • 5. Are you flexible in the workplace?

Finally, ask yourself this question: Am I changing my job because I’m in a stressful (temporary) situation? If so, wait a bit. A good decision is not made in haste.


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