Sea levels are rising twice as fast as expected in New Zealand – Liberation

Sea levels are rising twice as fast as expected in New Zealand – Liberation

Wellington and Auckland, the two largest cities in the archipelago, could experience major flooding every year from 2040. According to the authorities, the budget for relocation of some residents and infrastructures is underway.

A study published Monday shows that sea levels are rising twice as fast as expected in parts of New Zealand, threatening the country’s two largest cities. Data collected along the coast of the country showed that some areas are already sinking by three to four millimeters a year, accelerating the dreaded danger.

These projections are the result of an intense five-year research program – dubbed NZ SeaRise – carried out by dozens of national and international scientists and funded by the government.

According to their forecasts, the authorities have less time than expected to plan how to adapt to the consequences of climate change, in particular to resettle the population living along the coasts.

According to Tim Naish, a professor at the University of Wellington in Victoria who co-manages the programme, if global sea level rises by about half a meter by 2100, that rise should reach almost one meter in large parts of the archipelago because the land is sinking at the same time. .

“It’s a little scary.”

This would be particularly disastrous for the capital, Wellington, which could see a sea level rise of 30 cm by 2040, which was not expected before 2060. Thus, every year Wellingtonians could be victims of damaging floods.

“We have less time to work.”said Mr. Naish, believing it “It’s a little scary.”. Data shows that the North Island’s most populous southeast coast is the most exposed.

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With a population of 1.7 million, the largest city in the country, Auckland is particularly vulnerable. Sea levels are expected to rise 50% faster on the downtown waterfront and in many suburbs, which will have a significant impact on home prices and insurance premiums.

NZ SeaRise has developed an online tool for residents and authorities to check the forecasts for their area, so they can assess flood and erosion risks. «We avon encore du temps, mais nous n’avons plus le temps de rester les bras croisés», a declaré M. Naish, appelant les élus and promoters immobiliser à refléchir à la better façon de s’adapter à cette elevation of the niveau Sea.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said planning was already under way, including preparing the budget to move some residents and infrastructure away from vulnerable beaches. “The first thing is not to abdicate because there are a series of options that can be implemented,” she told Radio New Zealand.

“We are working with local authorities and insurers to determine who should bear the costs of some of these options because it should not be the responsibility of one party.”

Ms Ardern called on New Zealanders to do everything they can to reduce emissions and limit the consequences of climate change.

The rise in sea level is due to the thermal expansion of the oceans — water expands when it warms — and the melting of glaciers in the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.

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