Scientists know why NASA has not yet found traces of life on Mars.  The Amazon is turning into a savanna right before our eyes and that’s very bad news

Scientists know why NASA has not yet found traces of life on Mars. The Amazon is turning into a savanna right before our eyes and that’s very bad news

Scientists know why NASA has not yet found traces of life on Mars

Scientists know why NASA has not yet found traces of life on Mars


Atlantic Sciences

Many treasures were discovered in a 15th-century shipwreck; a study showing the disasters that seabed mining may cause; Is ChatGPT an “anthropological revolution”?

Scientists know why NASA has not yet found traces of life on Mars

The Perseverance rover has been roaming the surface of Mars for two years and has not yet detected the slightest trace of ancient or present life. The researchers offer an explanation for this.

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Many treasures were discovered in a 15th century shipwreck

In the wreckage of the Gripshunden, which sank in 1495 in the Baltic Sea, archaeologists have just made new discoveries: spices and medicinal plants. Very rare at the time and in excellent condition. This is the first, because this type of organic wealth usually deteriorates throughout history!

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The study shows that disasters caused by seabed mining

The richness of minerals on the sea floor makes mining companies already in the starting blocks to start exploiting the oceans frantic. Although it is well known that some noise disrupts communication between large marine mammals, very few studies have been conducted to measure the impact of noise pollution from human activities.

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The Amazon is turning into a savanna right before our eyes and that’s very bad news

Studies follow one another and their conclusions are always the same. The Amazon rainforest is in poor condition. It could soon turn into a savanna. To the dismay of the mammals that settled there.

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Is ChatGPT an “anthropological revolution”?

The arrival of ChatGPT signals the emergence of a new humanity, right up to the dawn of posthumanism. Will artificial intelligence end 10,000 years of civilizations, fueled by oral traditions and written cultures? When others celebrate an “anthropological revolution,” some see it as merely a modernization of our imagination, an innovation rather than an invention. So, ChatGPT: “revolution” or “evolution”?

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Is the Amazon teetering dangerously toward the point of no return?

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