Science: Researchers are closely observing the existence of an “Earth killer” asteroid – suddenly this comes to the fore

Science: Researchers are closely observing the existence of an “Earth killer” asteroid – suddenly this comes to the fore

Science: Researchers are closely observing the existence of an “Earth killer” asteroid – suddenly this comes to the fore

Scientists from California watching the asteroid

California scientists are watching the asteroid “99942 Apophis”. (Icon image)

Photo: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

Time and time again both look at Science Interested people listen carefully when it comes to asteroids. Many books and films have already been shown with the potential to impact our planet.

In 2004, a team from America learned of the existence of an asteroid that could soon become a dangerous relative of our planet.

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At that time astronomers assumed that “99942 Apophis” could collide with Earth in 2029.

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Fortunately, California scientists have succeeded in dismissing fearful skepticism. NEO employees were able to determine extensive calculations that the Earth was still safe for more than 100 years before such a collision.

No asteroid collision in the next 100 years

NASA also announced that forecasts for an asteroid collision in 2036 or 2068 could also be revised. So no collision is expected within the next 100 years.


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However, at the end of this decade, the celestial body should approach the Earth by about 32,000 km. Then the asteroid can even be observed with the naked eye of people in the Eastern Hemisphere. (Nb)

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