Science Po tracks “cognitive dissonance” and cleans its tracks

Science Po tracks “cognitive dissonance” and cleans its tracks

Resident of the Republic

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During his back-to-school press conference last week, Mathias Vicherat, director of Sciences Po in Paris, made an announcement that piqued my interest. In the midst of the year’s major new developments, which were lost among the priorities of “strengthening the uniqueness” of the institution, the sentence referred to the fact that the French “Grande Ecole” had acquired some students who were “tracing cognitive dissonance” between the various schools. Courses. If a teacher from the Sustainable Development Chair says that our world must face increasingly limited resources and another from the “business school” encourages unbridled growth, then there is a problem, according to the director of the “Productive Elites.”

Read also: Sciences Po or French elitism in the crosshairs

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