Science moves in Puygremier

Science moves in Puygremier

The scientific, technical and industrial culture centre, Espace Mendès-France in Poitiers, parked its truck in front of the Dissay multi-purpose room on Wednesday, July 10.

Display panels representing the differences between insects and crustaceans, complemented by math tests and display stands on biodiversity, the evolution of the human body for comparison with human skulls, the breeding of stick insects, energy production, the construction of water rockets and much more… A whole afternoon to show that science is accessible and fun for everyone. The young holidaymakers from Puygremier came in droves, accompanied by their leaders.

Celine Naulo, responsible for regional development, explained: “We have set ourselves the challenge of making science accessible to all children. Through a variety of fun experiments and manipulations, with the will – Encouraging girls to pursue scientific careers.. Children are tomorrow's citizens and engineers and must be scientifically literate and critical thinkers to participate in future social discussions. ».

Espace Mendès France works several times a year with local schools. The events are held within the framework of the partnership agreement signed years ago with Espace Mendes-France.Pierre Bremond, 1any Deputy responsible for community life, culture and recreation.

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