Science Fiction and the Environment – Round Table Organized by Glitch Éditions – ActuSF

Science Fiction and the Environment – Round Table Organized by Glitch Éditions – ActuSF

Glitch Éditions, in partnership with the Académie du Climat, organizes a Round table On the representation of environmental issues in fiction literature.

How has science fiction literature dealt with environmental issues since the 20th century, and what should we learn today? In light of the environmental upheavals that encourage us to undertake a restructuring of our society, literatures of fiction such as science fiction or literature of speculation emerge as an introduction to the stories and news that move us today. Resource depletion, biodiversity extinction, migration flows, global warming…

Accompanied by Rafael Granier de Casagnac (SF author and researcher), Anne-Caroline Prevot (researcher and ecologist), and Jerome Vincent, Director of ActuSF, come and discuss these issues!

To share, feel free to Reserve your seats.

It should be noted that Glitch Éditions is an ephemeral publishing house created by the 2021-2022 promotion of editorial creation Master 2 multimedia by Sorbonne and Asford.

But it doesn’t stop there! In fact, until March 16, Glitch Editions invites you to participate in the project 2055_ a collaborative novel of anticipation Ulule.

Composed of 176 pages, 2055_ It will invite you to discover no less than 29 unpublished stories by authors from different backgrounds. You will be immersed in an amnesiac society in which all traces of the years leading up to 2055 have vanished…

This campaign will also give you access to different rewards, unlocked according to the levels reached. So you can participate in the care of a hive or even help protect the wild lynx.

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