Science and technology are a strategic lever for Africa’s development (scientists)

Science and technology are a strategic lever for Africa’s development (scientists)

Science, technology and innovation are strategic tools that African countries must leverage to boost their development, scientists said on Sunday.

“Africa must necessarily develop scientific research, innovation and digital technologies to be able to address the challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment,” the scientists stressed in an article published by South African media.

They claim that more attention must be paid to building a science and innovation ecosystem capable of supporting the continent’s strategies and goals, and they urge policymakers to invest more in research universities and establish centers of excellence and scientific advice.

They noted that scientific research is expected to play a major role in the dynamics of development and industrialization on the continent in the coming years.

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In this regard, scientists believe that greater attention must be paid to using science to solve the most intractable challenges, considering that science and innovation will provide the means to increase production capacity and high added value to mineral wealth, in addition to developing the green economy.

Noting that developing scientific research on the continent requires adequate infrastructure and financial resources to achieve tangible results, they also say that African countries must mobilize internal sources of funding and establish partnerships with donors and international organizations.

In this regard, they noted that the African Union Development Agenda 2063 established a road map based on policies, skills development and scientific research.

Achieving Aspiration 1 of this Agenda, “A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development”, requires the continent to make significant investments, in order to develop its human and social capital through an education and skills revolution with a focus on innovation. Science and technology, it is emphasized.

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