Say goodbye to the toilet bowl, this invention will replace it and change your life

Say goodbye to the toilet bowl, this invention will replace it and change your life

© Goodbye to the toilet bowl, this invention will replace it and change your life

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Every day, bacteria accumulate in the toilet bowl. The least we can say is that it is not always easy to maintain toilets properly. Fortunately, A An invention that saw the light and will change your life.

A revolution in the toilet bowl

Going to the toilet is something everyone does on a daily basis. On the other hand, it is not easy to keep it clean every day. And for good reason: bacteria settle into the toilet when you flush.

This is a product that should always be kept at risk of bacteria attacking your skin. Then the scientists thought of a way To improve daily life at this point.

The least we can say is that you are in for a big surprise. In fact, several scientists decided to develop a new layer with a very slippery surface.

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A great innovation that could clearly transform toilet bowls as we all know them. Porcelain and ceramic toilets may disappear in the coming years.

However, this is what a team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China revealed. It also unveiled this ambitious project with the help of Prof 3D printed model Non-stick toilet bowl.

“ARSFT remains clean after contact with various liquids”

Please note that this innovation that will replace the toilet bowl helps expel feces. In order to develop this creation, scientists have developed… A mixture of plastic and hydrophobic sand grains For their materials.

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All combined using 3D printing technologies. The least we can say is that researchers are still very satisfied with their discovery of the toilets of the future. Especially since they already have it They tested their product using a mockup.

The latter is one-tenth the size of a standard toilet bowl but has already shown very good results. Scientists have proven that feces do not stick to the surface.

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All products used simply slide down the toilet bowl. In an article published in the journal Advanced Engineering Materials, the researchers highlighted the following: “ARSFT remains clean after contact with various liquids”.

“Milk, yoghurt and honey are very viscous, showing excellent repellency for complex liquids.”. Know that, even after a while 1000 abrasive cycles using sandpaper“The toilet bowl remains intact.

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