Santiago Ribeiro has now opened the world’s largest surrealist gallery, The Italian Video Gallery and Matos

Santiago Ribeiro has now opened the world’s largest surrealist gallery, The Italian Video Gallery and Matos

May 5 – July 11, 2021 – Now Surrealism

In Portugal, we publish this painting by Santiago Ribera about the great evil of this beautiful European country on the Atlantic coast. Corruption is everywhere. Here is the corruption of the Coronavirus vaccination

The International Surrealism Exposition will open in May 2021 at the Center for the Arts and Optics (CAE) in Figueira da Foz, Portugal, and as part of its eleventh anniversary celebrations, the fourteenth edition of the International Surrealism Fair.

The gallery is a project created by Santiago Ribeiro, a Portuguese Surrealist artist, and launched in 2010 at the Bessaya Barreto Foundation in Coimbra. During these 11 years, I traveled to different parts of the country from Lisbon to Porto, as well as satellite exhibitions in the United States such as Dallas, Los Angeles, University of Mississippi and New York, as well as Europe. In Berlin, Paris. And Madrid, which is still regulated and regulated by Santiago.

The gallery has become the largest exhibition of 21st century surrealism in the world and includes works of drawing, painting, digital art, sculpture and photography.

125 participating artists from 52 countries: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cuba, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland , Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Ukraine Venezuela, Vietnam and India.


Santiago, the professor and promoter of the largest surrealist exhibition in the world of the 21st century, Surrealism International now, already has several presentations around the world in addition to Berlin, Moscow, New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, Mississippi, Indiana, Denver, Warsaw, Saint Petersburg, Nantes Paris, London, Vienna, Beijing , Florence, Madrid, Granada, Barcelona, ​​Lisbon, Belgrade, Montenegro, Romania, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Minsk, New Delhi, Gilava (Czech Republic), Caltagyrone in Sicily and in many cities of Portugal.

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O Italech, Vincenzo Cali, poet and journalist Analina Grasso

Come here, Maurizio Pianucci, you may Watch the video on YouTube Watch

Tech presentation from MatosCar. The initiative comes from MatosCar, a car group based in the municipalities of Guarda, Fundau, Castillo Branco, Portallagher, Evora and Pega, Portugal. Official representatives of 24 brands.

The offer this time will be final because the group of companies has decided to buy the company

Matuscar (Evora) R of Bird N-1A +351267070177

The Center for Arts and Entertainment (CAE) opened in 2002. The large cultural facility (2,200 and 800 seats – outdoor amphitheater, foyer, relaxation rooms, studios, 4 galleries) was considered a center. Due to its remarkably national and international performance, this structure is also associated with other programming centers and events, where the logic of the installation vanishes without losing continuity.

These are the names of the artists:

Ashraf Baznani, Morocco / Ajim Meta, Albania – Spain / Issa Mamas, Algeria / Alessio Serbetti, Italy / Alvaro Migias, Venezuela / Anna Niamo, Romania / Anna Pilar Morales, Spain / Andrew Benes, Australia / Asir Guerrero Rico (Dio), Spain / Axel Plotifogel, Germany / Brigid Marlin, Great Britain / Bayan Baniz, Philippines / Can Immed, Turkey / Carlos Sablon, Cuba / Kotlin Presap, Romania / Chuang Chih-hui, Taiwan / Christian Townsend, Australia / Connor Walton, Ireland / Cynthia Tom, China / USA / Dag Samsund, Denmark / Dela Lobo, Italy / Dan Nyamu, Romania / Daniel Cheriak, Romania / Daniel Hanikan, France / Canada / Daniel Goree, Italy / Delphine Sensage, France / Dean Fleming, United States America / Domaine Lu, Slovenia / Edgar Infoser, Russia / Efrat Sepulkevich, Venezuela / Egil Ibsen, Iceland / Eric Hencke, Belgium / Ituri Aldo Del Vigo, Italy / Fabrizio Ricardi, Italy / Farhad Jafari, Iran / France Garrido, USA / Fu Reno Sa Lisci & Urbano, Portugal / Gabriel E. Sau, Ge Romania / Genet is Cabrera, USA / Graka Burdal or Pinheiro, Portugal / Graka Polska, Poland / Gromyko Sempre, Philippines / Giori Lomuller, Romania / Hector Pineda, Mexico / Hector Toro, Colombia / Henrietta Kosica, Sweden / Huggies Gillette, France / Isabel Merrill, Portugal / Iwasaki Nagi, Japan / James Skelton, UK / Jay Garfinkle, United States / Jay Paul Vonkoffler, American / Argentinian / Jimah St, Nigeria / Joanna Budzyska -Sycz, Poland / Joao Duarte, Portugal / Keith Wijdor, United States / Leo Wijnhoven, Netherlands / Leo Plaw, Germany / Liba WS, France / Lubomír Štícha, Czech Republic / Ludgero Rolo, Portugal / Lv Shang, China / Martin Fett, Netherlands / Maciej Hoffmann, Poland / Maggie Calhoun, United States / Marnie Bates, Great Britain / Maria Aristova, Russia / Mario Davy, Croatia / Martina Hoffmann, Germany / Matthias Baum, Germany / Mehriban Effendi, Azerbaijan / Mitchell Pluto, United States United America / Nike Year Roman, Cuba / Spain / Nazarino Stanislav, Le Brasi / Lake Nikolina Petul, Croatia / Octavian Floresco, Canada / Ophelia Hotul, Romania / Oleg Korolev, Russia / Olesia Novik, Russia / Olga Spiegel, USA / Urab Austria / Paula Rosa, Portugal / Paolo Kona, Canada / Pavlina Boruchova, Switzerland-Germany / Pedro Diaz Cartes, Chile / Benny Goulag, Great Britain / Peter Maclean, France / Philippe Pelletier, France / Radhika Menon India / Richard Shannon, United States United / Roch Foch, USA / Rudica Miller, USA / Robin Cocker, Argentine / Israel / Rudolf Boyle, New Zealand / Rosbilt Guerra, Peru / Sabina Noor, Austria / Sambo Kakkonen, Finland / Santiago Ribeiro, Portugal / Sarah Zambia Australia / Serge Son, Latvia / Sergey Tokanov, Russia / Shahla Rosa, United States of America / Shoji Tanaka, Japan / Shan Zolan, China / Shetty Wilmi, Germany / Seo Shi Seo, India Nicaea / Slavko Krone, Serbia / Sonia Mina Barrett And, Brazil / Steve Smith, United States United Kingdom / Stuart Griggs, United Kingdom / Svetlana Kislachenko, Ukraine / Svetlana Ratova, Russia / Tatomir Petario, United States / Trasansky Cornelia, Romania / Tim Rosen, Belgium / Ton Har Ji, Netherlands / Victor Lags, Portugal / Phu Huin Thong, Vietnam / Yamal Din, Moro Seco / Spain / Yang Supply, Taiwan / Yulia Patotskaya, Belarus / Yuri Tsvetayev, Russia / Zoltan Doksai, Hungary / Zoran Filimanovy, Serbia.

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Arts and Entertainment Center

The streets of Abbad Badro

084-3080 Figuera da Foz

Phone: 233407200

Fax: 233407209

E-mail: [email protected]


Monday to Thursday: 9 AM to 11 PM

Friday 9:00 – midnight;

Saturday from 10.00 to 24.00;

Sundays and holidays: 10:00 to 19:00.

Promotion Days: Until the end of the promotion

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