Santa gave exactly 7,623,693,263 gifts this year

Santa gave exactly 7,623,693,263 gifts this year

One Variant Omicron, flight crews tested positive and a large part of global air traffic was grounded.
Nearly 6000 flights canceled by airlines while thousands more were delayed around the world
Christmas holiday. According to the Flightaware website, more than 2,650 flights were canceled on Saturday evening. More than 6,350 flights worldwide have been delayed.

Fortunately, these disturbances had no consequences. On the tour of Santa Claus, Strictly followed, for decades, by
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD). NORAD counted exactly 7,623,693,263 gifts distributed this year, having followed the course of the Thanksgiving sleigh, as the organization explains,
With a sensor placed in the nose of the reindeer.

Dedicated website and over 1,500 volunteers

This tradition finds its origin in telephone confusion. In 1955, a Colorado newspaper, wanting to publish the phone line number supposed to allow children to call Santa Claus, mistakenly printed the military command number. The captain on duty played that day and instructed his crew to give the children the whereabouts of Santa Claus. This tradition continued, and in the late 1990s evolved into a dedicated website.

About 1,500 Army volunteers now help answer children’s calls and emails. The search for Santa Claus has become so institutionalized in the United States that President Joe Biden and his wife Jill have also responded to calls from children eager to receive their gifts.

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