Saint Martin Deres.  Summer in Place for teenagers in the Langevin sports district, let’s go!

Saint Martin Deres. Summer in Place for teenagers in the Langevin sports district, let’s go!

This is the event expected by young people between the ages of 11 and 15. Summer in place for youth returns this year through Friday, July 28, from 4:30pm to 7:30pm, at Espace sportif Paul-Langevin. With the novelty of this 2023 edition: sandy ground at Al Madinah Stadium.

Rich and varied programme

As in previous meetings, a rich program (focusing on new experiences) awaits the young martinis. On the program: beach soccer, beach volleyball, tennis, manga drawing, dancing, multimedia creation, introduction to drone, making natural cosmetics, board games … not to mention Bubble You and its giant bubbles, or cooking workshops For the Les Mijotés association, graffiti initiatives and, of course, the hip-hop workshops of Citadanse’s Sylvain Nlend. Youth service also offers a fruit bar area.

David Quiros, Mayor of San Martin d’Herre, and part of the municipal team came on Wednesday July 12th to open the third edition of Summer in Place at the Sports Space. Elected officials were accompanied by Monique Dinagy, Early Childhood Assistant, Abdelhalim Benkhalaf, Youth Advisor, Claudine Kahane, Cultural Affairs Assistant, Christophe Bresson, Assistant in Charge of Environment, Mobility and Public Spaces, and City Councilor Serge Benneteau. . The visit was attended by Laurent Zurmann, Deputy Director General for Population Affairs.

Visit the craters before a big storm

They all passed through the various stands and sports and entertainment venues (luxury, ecology and environment, artistic expression, multimedia, culture and science) in the presence of Mohamed Qudat, the painter of the Youth Center. An opportunity for a City Council member and his or her elected officials and agents to discuss with each association or club represented on the site.

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Due to the risk of violent storms being declared, the municipality has moved forward the opening time to 5pm (instead of 6pm). A welcome initiative Since 6:00 p.m., a major storm has come to settle over the capital.

The return of the sun in the coming days should allow, as in previous years, an important visit to the site, with appropriate protection measures.

Youth passport and pre-registration required, made with the Youth Service: 5 Albert-Samen Street, tel. 04 76 60 90 64

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