Sailing: Golden Globe Race captain throws in the towel after stranded in New Zealand

Sailing: Golden Globe Race captain throws in the towel after stranded in New Zealand

Michael Davey's hopes of competing in the Golden Globes are dashed in a New Zealand storm.
Michael Davey’s hopes of competing in the Golden Globes are dashed in a New Zealand storm. (© Facebook Michael Davey)

Michael Davy He was scheduled to be part of the upcoming Golden Globe race, which is scheduled to begin at Les Sables-d’Olonne in September 2022.

Unfortunately, the captain of Australia was greatly disappointed. While sailing north of New Zealand, more specifically in Tasman Bay, as part of his preparation for the Golden Globes (GGR), his boat ran aground.

Partly because of a storm in which the captain and his ship, The Dream Catcher, have drifted onto a rock.

The boat crashed and the captain of the ship managed to escape unharmed despite the harsh sea conditions. Unfortunately for the boatman from Australia, recovering his ship is impossible and his participation in the upcoming GGR is definitely ruled out.

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