Russian forces arrive for “combat readiness” maneuvers

Russian forces arrive for “combat readiness” maneuvers

Relations between Belarus and the West Likely to stretch a little more. The Belarusian government said on Tuesday that the troops
Russian They were coming to its territory to conduct “operational and combat readiness” exercises.

These maneuvers will take place in two phases: the first, from now until February 9, includes the deployment of Russian forces and Belarus Towards “threatened areas”, securing state and military infrastructures, and protecting airspace. Then, from February 10 to 20, the actual maneuvers will take place at several military bases in Belarus, dubbed “Define Federation 2022”, in reference to the Russian-Belarusian alliance.

Full trains loaded with military equipment

Ces exercices ont lieu « du fait de l’aggravation de la situation politico-militaire dans le monde, l’augmentation continue des tensions en Europe, notamment aux frontières ouest et sud de la Biélorussie », an indiqué le ministère de biélorusse statment. The day before, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko He justified these exercises by strengthening the NATO system in Poland and the Baltic states, on the borders of his country, as well as through
The situation in Ukraine.

Russian users posted videos in droves on Monday of entire trains laden with military equipment, armored vehicles and other vehicles in western Russia bound for the border.

The number of troops deployed remains undetermined at present. He added that these are “improvised” Russian-Belarusian maneuvers, but their scope, being undetermined, does not require notification of details, in particular to neighbors, in this case Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine.

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