Ron.  Science festival in full swing at Écully . Media Library

Ron. Science festival in full swing at Écully . Media Library

Armel Roach, a familiar character in the media library, is assessing the middle of the road. “Beginning September 19, we had a captivating science quiz evening, hosted by Martin Fontaine, Professor of Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science and author of two books on Surprising Science Questions. Throughout October, we have hosted an exhibition called The Genetic Recipe designed and loaned by Inserm. An exhibition presenting key concepts For genetics, genomic medicine introduces and sheds light on its impact on tomorrow’s medicine.

On October 4, more than forty people came to hear Dr. Patrick Carlioz talk about Messenger RNA from his work (available in the Media Library): “A complex and exciting topic!

On Tuesday, October 11, the media library once again tapped into its neighborhood in Ikale with the scientific and technical police: Claire Lyons, chief engineer at PST and expert in its national authorities, fascinated a large audience with talk of photo – genetic robot, DNA research.

In another approach, on October 12 at 6 pm, the Media Library will welcome Hugo Benin and Simon Andre, from the Mal Armé Collection, to the “Philo Party” intended for a family audience. The two artists put their poetry and music at the service of our existential questions.

Armel Roach also draws special attention to the conference on Friday, October 14 at 7 pm: “Aline Richard Zivohlava will speak about her book Epic CRISP-R And the The genetic revolution that will change our species (Flammarion 2021). This science journalist, famous for her clarity mixed with a gentle sense of humor, will explain all about CRISP-R, this “genetic scissors” whose use opens up amazing horizons, where hope and dread mingle! Scissors undoubtedly do not fit in all hands! »

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