Residence permit pending work.  When can it be requested?

Residence permit pending work. When can it be requested?

If the job is lost, is the residence permit also lost?

No, when a foreign worker loses his job, the employer who appointed him must notify the single window and the relevant employment center within five days from the date of dismissal. The employment center provides the possibility of enlisting the worker in the list of personal data, or updating the status of the worker if it has already been entered. The worker retains inclusion in this list for the remaining validity period of the residence permit and, in any case, except for the seasonal worker, for a total period of at least one year. If you do not have a new job before your residence permit expires, you can apply for a pending employment residence permit.

Who can a residence permit holder who is looking for a business contact to communicate with companies wishing to hire employees?

The law guarantees foreign workers legally residing in Italy and their families the same treatment and rights as Italian workers. So, like them, you can call:

  • to public employment services (employment centers, municipalities, universities, chambers of commerce);
  • or to private employment services (employment agencies and other operators).

What are job centers and what is their purpose?

Employment centers are structures to facilitate the alignment of labor supply and demand, prevent unemployment, and facilitate the entry into the world of work for persons at risk of unemployment. Among other things, they provide personalized job search services, help build curricula, search for internships and accompany in setting up a business. They also advise companies and are responsible for the service charter, which is the agreement signed between the Employment Center and the unemployed as an active policy measure.

For more information, you can contact the competent employment center regarding housing.

How can I access the services provided by the employment centers?

It is necessary to subscribe to the so-called “registration list”, where the applicant’s data will be collected in:

  • A personal data sheet containing full personal data, his family data, educational qualifications and employment status;
  • Professional card (old “work book”), with information on training and professional experience, availability and accreditation of professional skills.

Who can register in employment centers?

From the age of 16, any person residing in Italy can register at the Employment Center if he or she is in a state of unemployment or unemployment. Foreigners are required to have a valid residence permit or a receipt attesting to the request to issue or renew the permit.

Registration is not mandatory, but becomes necessary if you want to apply for unemployment benefit from Naspi. In fact, only unemployed workers who declare their willingness to undertake work activities in any employment center are considered unemployed (so-called DID, “immediate availability declaration).

In the event of job loss or resignation, does the registration in the registration list also lose?

If you have a residence permit for secondary work and lose your job, even due to resignation, the registration on the registration list is kept for the same duration of the residence permit. Indeed, according to the Uniform Immigration Act, an individual has the right to search for a job, as unemployed, for a period of at least 12 years or longer.

What are recruitment agencies?

Recruitment agencies are licensed private structures, which deal with the search and selection of employees, mediation between supply and demand for work, supply of manpower to companies, etc.

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