Rescued by a Stranger Having a Heart Attack on the Street, He Finds His Guardian Angel – West-France Evening Edition

Rescued by a Stranger Having a Heart Attack on the Street, He Finds His Guardian Angel – West-France Evening Edition

Matthew O’Toole, a 47-year-old Briton, had a heart attack on a street in London, UK. The forty man owes his salvation only to the response of a passerby, who immediately alerted the emergency services. Ten days later, he was able to find his guardian angel.

(Map: Western France)

Matthew O’Toole almost didn’t celebrate Father’s Day. On June 10, this 47-year-old Briton and father of two felt uneasy on the street in London. Sitting on a bench, catch the forty things Severe nausea and starts to sweat profuselyBritish radio and television reports BBC.

Around him, no one notices his health, except for a bystander, the profession nurse, and “Danny,” according to Matthew O’Toole. Looking at his symptoms you realize that the forty had a heart attack in the middle of the street!

there is “In the right place and time”British TV channel reports ITV, alert emergency services immediately, and stay by the father of the family until they arrive. Matthew O’Toole was then rushed to the hospital where he was taken care of. Today his days are no longer in danger.

” Thank you from my heart “

“I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, because I still have a husband and my sons still have a father,” Matthew’s wife Georgina O’Toole tweeted on June 19, 2021, addressing the unknown nurse. And to add: “I recognized the symptoms of a heart attack and called for help. If you don’t, he may not be with us today.” Wanting to find this woman, whom she considers the guardian angel who saved her husband’s life, Georgina O’Toole launched an appeal on the social network Twitter.

His message has paid off widely. “One of her LinkedIn friends called us saying, ‘You don’t know me, but I know Danielle and here’s her email address'” Georgina O’Toole told BBC.

Then the two women exchanged electronically. “She was glad to know that my husband was fine, Georgina O’Toole told British media. She told me there was no need to thank her, but that she would be happy to take the time to chat over the phone one of these days. “

The fight for prevention

In response to a question by the BBC on Sunday, 20 June, Matthew O’Toole said he was looking forward to meeting his guardian angel Daniel. “I just want to talk to him. Come with her to talk about the events but also about what I can do to educate the public about what she did.”

The O’Toole family would like to thank Danielle anyway and is considering making a donation to a charity of her choice. They also want to invest in the prevention of cardiovascular accidents.

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