Rescue a French sailor from a catamaran attacked by sharks

Rescue a French sailor from a catamaran attacked by sharks

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The Australian authorities rescued two Russians and a Frenchman. Their inflatable raft was attacked by sharks.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority reported on Wednesday that a cargo ship came to rescue two Russians and two Frenchmen whose boat was attacked by sharks off the coast of Australia.

The three men were rescued by a cargo ship while they were floating on a rubber dinghy in the shark-infested Coral Sea, about 800 kilometers southeast of the northeastern city of Cairns.

“Several shark attacks”

The boat’s hull was damaged after several shark attacksThe Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said in a statement. According to ASMA, the three rescued sailors wanted to reach Cairns from the Vanuatu archipelago, which is located more than 2,000 kilometers away.

Early Wednesday morning, they activated the distress beacon. Footage taken from a helicopter showed the huge cargo ship Dugong Ace approaching the boat, which was floating in calm seas.

The Coral Sea is teeming with gray reef sharks and other species, such as tuna and marlin. According to the Australian government, it is home to more sharks.”More than almost any other monitoring site in the world“.

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