Relatives and friends give their last greetings to the historian, journalist and man

Relatives and friends give their last greetings to the historian, journalist and man

Camille Chauvet was cremated in the morning at the Jiuyao crematorium in Fort-de-France, preceded by a religious ceremony at the Kis-Belot Church on Friday, June 17, 2022.

Camille Chauvet’s family and friends met for the first time at the Kis Pilot Church. Too little space to fit them all.

Camille Chauvet's funeral

The Kiss Bellot Church could not accommodate the large crowd that came to greet Camille Chauvet.

© Joseph Nodin

Camille Chauvet who was a historian, educator, journalist, politician, cultural representative, sports actor … gathered around his remains, a wide range of Martinique, all generations combined.

The religious celebration, in which the parish priest of Kis-Belott and the former Archbishop, Michel Miranville, participated in it, made it possible to remember the path, life and work of Camille Chauvet, “Big Mouth of Life Martinique”.

Camille Chauvet's funeral

Relatives and friends of Camille Chauvet in front of the Kis Pilot Church.

© Joseph Nodin

In the assembly, in addition to the daughter and wife of the deceased, his sisters and brothers, many familiar faces. Progressive Party Martinique (PPM) leaders, including its chairman Serge Lechem (also Chairman of the Executive Council), regional advisors, and former general advisors or regional advisors. Much of the nationalist family including Garcin Malsa, former ecologist Mayor of Sainte-Anne, Alex Ferdinand, close to the Martinique independence movement, historian Gilbert Bajo.

Also in this crowd, unionists such as Philippe-Pierre Charles and many friends, notably part of the cultural association Tanbou Bô kannal of Nico Gernet. The Rive-droite Levassor Association in Fort-de-France, Camille Chauvet’s childhood area.

Camille Chauvet's funeral

Greetings from friends of Camille Chauvet in the front yard of the Kis Bellot Church.

© Joseph Nodin

The historian, teacher, journalist and politician, who fell ill with a long illness, died Tuesday, June 14, at the age of 73. The cremation took place on Friday, June 17, 2022, at the Jiuyao crematorium in Fort-de-France.

Camille Chauvet's funeral

A crowd of friends of all generations came to greet Camille Chauvet.

© Joseph Nodin

Roland Luchase

Roland Laouchez, a former co-host with Camille Chauvet, on KMT TV.

© Joseph Nodin

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