Relatives and doctors of Alexei Navalny fear for his life

Relatives and doctors of Alexei Navalny fear for his life

Doctors close to Alexe Navalny, a patient and on hunger strike in his prison, demanded on Saturday 17 April to be able to see him, considering that he may now suffer a heart attack at any time.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read also The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 says: “If something happens to Navalny, Russia will cross the red line.”

The main critic of the Kremlin stopped eating on March 31 to protest his poor conditions of detention, and accused the prison administration of preventing him from accessing a doctor and medication because he suffers from a double hernia according to his lawyer.

Fear of cardiac arrest

The 44-year-old opponent’s personal physician, Anastasia Vasilieva, and three other doctors have requested immediate access to Mr. Navalny, according to a letter to Russian Prison Services posted on Mr. M’s Twitter account on Saturday.I Vasilieva.

According to them, the level of potassium concentration in Mr. Navalny’s blood had reached a level “Cash” 7.1 mmol per liter, This means that poor kidney function and serious heart rhythm problems can occur from one minute to a minute..

“A patient with such potassium levels should be monitored in intensive care, as fatal arrhythmias can occur at any time. Death by cardiac arrest.”Cardiologist Erolav Ashkhamin added on Facebook.

For his part, a spokesman for the opponent, Keira Ermich, reported on Twitter the doctor Alexander Buluban, who had previously treated Mr. Navalny, saying: “This is a complete indication of hospitalization. If he does not start treatment, he will die in the next few days.”.

US President Joe Biden has joined the concerns about the fate of the Russian opponent. “This is totally unfair, and absolutely unfair.”Mr. Biden responded to reporters who questioned him in the United States about the fate of Alexei Navalny, referring toPoisoning, then hunger strike From the opponent.

Call for a demonstration in Russia

Alexei Navalny narrowly escaped a poisoning that left him in a coma last year. He accused the Kremlin and the Russian security services of responsibility, which they deny.

Kira Ermic, who was with the opponent when he became seriously ill after being poisoned last August, said on Facebook to find out what the current situation looks like. Alexey is dying. In his case, it’s a matter of days.She wrote, stressing that few people have had access to the opponent since his imprisonment at Camp Pokrov, 100 kilometers east of Moscow, which is known to be one of the most powerful camps in Russia.

The article is reserved for our subscribers Read also Repression against supporters of Alexei Navalny is increasing in Russia

After his return in January after five months of convalescence in Germany, the opponent was immediately arrested and sentenced to two and a half years in prison in a previous fraud case he denounces as a policy. His wife Yulia, who visited him earlier this week in his penal colony, said he now weighs 76 kilograms, nine kilograms less since he began his hunger strike.

Mr. Navalny’s relatives announced after his imprisonment that they wanted to organize “The largest protest demonstration in modern Russian history” And called on the Russians to support this project by registering through a website. 440,000 people did so on Saturday out of 500,000 the opposition requested to announce the date of the demonstration. Keira Irmic called on Mister Navalny’s supporters to continue scoring to save his life because he is “Putin only responds to mass protests”.

More than seventy personalities, including actors Jude Law, Vanessa Redgrave, Benedict Cumberbatch, writer Svetlana Alexievich, and painter Art Spiegelman were summoned in a column published in the world To provide Alexeï Navalny with the necessary care.

Read also “Alexi Navalny’s health condition requires urgent medical care”

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