Rediscover Adirondacks village after village

Rediscover Adirondacks village after village

Adirondack Hamlets to Huts revisits the concept of “hut to hut,” or hiking, by offering outdoor circuits that connect little-known communities in the Adirondacks. Our collaborators experienced this blend of nature and comfort on the largest nature preserve in the United States.

My boyfriend and I have a date with Connie Berry at 8:30 a.m. at the Municipal Pier in Old Forge, a small village in the southwest Adirondacks, about a four-hour drive from Montreal. Owner of a boat rental company, Kony accompanies us to our transport for the next two days: a gorgeous kevlar canoe outfitted with a pair of oars, two life jackets, and a padlock to secure the skiff during our village stop. Immediately leave, take our luggage. “See you later!” she said, waving her hand from the steering wheel of her truck.

We are about to complete a loop that will allow us to explore the Fulton Lake Chain. Spanning 25km in length, this chain of eight dammed lakes begins in Old Forge and is the starting point for the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, a 1,190km sea route that winds its way to the border between New Brunswick and Maine. But this is not our ambition. Thanks to Adirondack Hamlets to Huts, we’re very much into the outdoor community situation around the Fulton Chain ok lakes. Since 2021, this non-profit has been creating turnkey outdoor circuits circling little-known locations in the Adirondacks.

Self-guided trails are designed so outdoor enthusiasts can paddle, hike, or bike from village to village, where they stop for food, lodging, and supplies. “We offer a mix of experiences, out in the country during the day, on the coast in the evening and at night for a good meal in a restaurant and sleeping in the comfy bed in a motel or inn sums up Joe Daddy, CEO and co-founder of Adirondack Hamlets to Huts.

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Founded in 2017, this startup has the ambition to deploy a world-class extracurricular network that supports small communities in the Adirondacks. “We want to disperse visitor numbers beyond overcrowded High Peaks, as well as their environmental and economic impact on communities,” says the former eco-adventure tourism teacher.

Inspired by New Zealand’s famous network of huts, Adirondack Hamlets to Huts don’t build anything new. For the development of his son of fre conjuguant nature and confort, l’organisme mise plutôt sur les sentiers nautiques, pedestres and cyclables déjà in place et sollicite les local entreprises, like celle de Connie Perry, for the location of the plein air matériel, l’hébergement et meals. As a skipper, Joe Daddy takes care of the logistics to ensure a hassle-free combination: creating an itinerary, booking rooms, moving luggage, etc.

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