Read, the majority from Ursula per il Colle.  Global Summit with Schulze and Trudeau

Read, the majority from Ursula per il Colle. Global Summit with Schulze and Trudeau

On the one hand, the majority for Ursula with Forza Italia. On the other hand, a meeting of the global left with Olaf Schulz and Justin Trudeau. Full Days of Enrico Lita. According to the press, the Secretary of the Democratic Party agrees with Calinda on Gentiloni’s candidate for the presidency, with Draghi in Palazzo Chigi until 2023 thanks to the majority of “Ursula” along with Forza Italia. He wrote La Stampa.

Letta, Scholz, Sanchez, Trudeau and Ardern all in Rome

At the same time, Lita organizes a meeting of the global left. Republica wrote: “Olav Schulz, Pedro Sanchez, Justin Trudeau and Enrico Letta together, on the same stage. Regarding New Zealand, young Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern” all in Rome on the same stage. “They have the same fate, except for the Italian who aspires to it: they all rule with a center-left coalition. And the appointment, next Friday in Rome, is an unprecedented date for the Democratic Party: to bring together the leaders of world progressiveness. To discuss the future and work as a team.”

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