Pyrenees: He thought it was wild celery… A park that was poisoned after eating the most poisonous plant in Europe

Pyrenees: He thought it was wild celery… A park that was poisoned after eating the most poisonous plant in Europe

When the firefighters arrived, the man had dizziness, vomiting, difficulty moving, a slow heartbeat, and bluish limbs.

This Friday, June 16th, a Traveling was rescued in Pyrenees After eating Aconite napellus in the Pic de l’Àliga region, Vall de Núria (Catalonia, Spain).

When the firefighters arrived, the man did Dizzinessfollower vomitingDifficulty moving around, slow heart rate and blue extremities, the Bombers wrote on Twitter.

He was initially treated by the Emergency Medical Service and then taken to hospital in Girona Then to the Val d’Ebron hospital Barcelona.

ahir, # Hahaha He will save a trip at the height of the liga, in Queralbs (6.12pm notice). The persona alertava que estava marejada, amb vòmits, i amb l’arribada del #grae Vam veure que tenia dificultats per moure’s, poc pols radial i un color blavós de pell a les extraits

—Bombers (bomberscat) June 17, 2023

It is often confused with wild celery

I’aconite napellus It is a plant that blooms in early summer Blue or purple flowers. But be careful, it contains Toxic substances that can be fatal. The most poisonous parts are the leaves and roots, but the whole plant contains toxic substances.

In the Pyrenees, it grows from 1,500 meters. Firefighters warn that it might be Mixing with wild celery.

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