Pulsar Fusion wants to build the engine that can take us to Mars faster

Pulsar Fusion wants to build the engine that can take us to Mars faster

Pulsar Fusion, based in Oxfordshire, UK, has launched the construction of an eight-metre-tall nuclear fusion chamber. This project could cut travel time to Mars in half and make a trip to Saturn’s moon Titan possible in just two years. Pulsar CEO Richard Dinan believes the merger push is “ inevitable “.

A new horizon for space exploration

This technology has significant benefits for space exploration, such as ultra-fast travel speeds and lower power consumption compared to current propulsion systems. Dinan points out that although these systems are expensive, “ Speed ​​in space is exchangeable for money “.

Pulsar is not limited to nuclear fusion research, but is also developing commercial products, such as a Hall effect electric propulsion motor and a two-stage hybrid rocket motor. In 2022, the company received funding from the UK Space Agency for a propulsion system based on nuclear fission.

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy. This process also powers the Sun and other stars, as hydrogen fuses to form helium at extremely high temperatures and pressures.

On Earth, achieving fusion is extremely challenging because it requires very specific conditions to confine and control the extremely hot plasma, where the nuclei are close enough and energetic enough to fuse. Nuclear fusion is very attractive as an energy source because it is potentially very powerful and uses abundant raw materials, while producing little radioactive waste.

The physics of nuclear fusion is now well understood, but the main hurdle for scientists is stabilizing the extremely hot plasma in an electromagnetic field. Pulsar uses supercomputer simulations to better understand plasma behavior. The company’s CFO, James Lambert, likens plasma to ” Weather system » Traditional techniques are difficult to predict. Recent advances in machine learning can be game-changing and help guide and improve rocket engine prototype design.

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The fusion chamber construction project will be carried out in Bletchley, England, and is scheduled for launch in 2027. If the Pulsar rocket engine test can reach fusion temperatures when demonstrated, the technology has the potential to open the doors to deep space for us.

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