Prostate cancer – HPV can cause prostate cancer – new findings

Prostate cancer – HPV can cause prostate cancer – new findings

To date, HPV viruses have been primarily associated with cervical cancer. Scientists from Australia have now also found a link to prostate cancer.

Human papillary animal welfare (Human papillomavirus) You may be responsible for the appearance Prostate cancer To be responsible. This is the conclusion reached by scientists James Lawson and Wendy Glenn of the University of New South Wales in Australia. They examined the results of 26 studies on HP virus.

The types of particularly aggressive viruses found in cancer cells

Scientists applied various criteria to the studies in order to classify the relationship between cancer and HPV. For example, they examined whether HP viruses could be detected in tumor tissue.

As a result, there are different aggressive types of the virus. High-risk HPV types can be 16 and 18 Cervical cancer Trigger in women. However, the researchers also found evidence that dangerous types of viruses in prostate cancer are detectable much more frequently than normal and benign tissues, for example in warts.

High-risk viruses were found in 325 (22.6 percent) of 1284 prostate cancer ulcers and in 113 (8.6 percent) of 1,313 samples from normal prostate cells. The study is published in the journal “Infectious Agents and Cancer”.

Humanity Papillomviren (Also HPV or HPV) is most often transmitted during sexual intercourse. The genetic information of the virus is stored in a double strand of DNA, as is the case with humans. If they enter a human cell and infect it, they can stimulate uncontrolled tissue growth there. Tumors that develop in this way often appear as warts on the skin and are often benign. However, in some cases, infection with the virus also leads to cancer.

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The link between cervical cancer and prostate cancer

Additionally, an analysis of the 26 studies showed a clear relationship between the risk of dying from cervical or prostate cancer. If cervical cancer mortality is high in a country, it is high in prostate cancer, and vice versa.

The evidence presented by the study will support a vaccination recommendation. In Germany, the RKI vaccination committee recommends that all adolescents be vaccinated against HPV by the age of 18 at the latest.

The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) has also recommended HPV vaccination not only for girls ages 9-14, but also for all boys since 2018. Peter Hammerer of MDR’s Board of Directors of the European Society of Urological Cancer Society said: “On In my opinion, it is not clear if post-vaccination has any advantage. “

More research is needed

However, the researchers suggest that the role of HPV in prostate cancer is complex and different from that of HPV-associated cervical cancer. Additionally, it’s not clear how exactly viruses cause prostate cancer and what exactly happens in cells. According to the authors, further studies are necessary here.

important note: The information is in no way a substitute for professional advice or treatment by trained and recognized physicians. The contents of t-online cannot and should not be used to independently make diagnoses or initiate treatment.

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