President Erdoğan said Turkey will not “give in” to Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership

President Erdoğan said Turkey will not “give in” to Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership

EU discusses Hungary blocking sanctions

In the context of discussions about the embargo on Russian oil, which Hungary rejected, as well as the French proposal, which was met with suspicion by Kyiv, to create european political community As for the countries awaiting accession, the head of Lithuanian diplomacy, Gabrilius Landsbergis, upon his arrival at the European Council headquarters announced:

Unfortunately, the entire Union is held hostage by a Member State that cannot help us reach consensus.

On his part, his Austrian counterpart, Alexander Schallenberg, lamented:

In Europe we are very good at always showing ourselves in discord, so as not to give the image of loneliness. We are in a confrontation situation.

A landlocked country, with no access to the sea, Hungary depends on oil that the Druzhba pipeline brings from Russia. Budapest prevents the entire sixth package from sanctions, due to the lack of guarantees to maintain its supplies. Landsbergis went so far as to suggest Ukraine cut off the pipeline that crosses its territory into Hungary, arguing: If the traffic stops, the problem will be solved. »

Spanish European Commission Vice President Josep Borrell, who chairs the meeting, warned:

We will do our best to resolve the situation. But I cannot guarantee that this will happen, because the attitudes are very strong.

“There are still some points that need clarification. That will not happen today.”German Foreign Minister Annalena Barbock confirmed. But we will come to a common conclusion in the next few days. I am sure “She confirmed.

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