Pollution |  End of the alert episode – 2023 – Press Area – News

Pollution | End of the alert episode – 2023 – Press Area – News

Updated 09/09/2023

Pollution |  End of the alert episode – 2023 – Press Area – News

Updated September 9, 2023

Due to expectations of improved ambient air quality, indicating lower PM10 levels, the traffic restriction measure has been lifted for the entire section effective Saturday 9 September 2023.

> Follow the air quality in Brittany on the website of Breeze Aviation Association

Updated September 8, 2023

Due to the continuous deterioration in ambient air quality, indicating a high level of fine particulate matter (PM10), the alert procedure has been extended to cover the entire department from Friday, September 08, 2023 at 4pm until Saturday, September 09, 2023 at 4pm.

This episode of pollution is attributed to a combination of meteorological conditions favorable to the accumulation of pollutants in the atmosphere with a dust plume from the Sahara desert releasing a very large amount of particles into the air.

Due to the exceeding of the limits set by French and European regulations and in order to protect the population of Brittany, the Prefect of Île and Vaillant issued an order implementing regulatory measures aimed at reducing the pollution cycle, in addition to health and behavioral recommendations.

The extension of these regulatory measures takes effect from 4pm on Friday 08 September 2023. Therefore, the maximum permitted speed on the entire 2*2 lane road network remains reduced by 20 km/h:

  • 130 → 110 km/h (highway)
  • 110 → 90 km/h (highways)

This action is displayed on available variable message tags. A speed check will be conducted on the concerned axles. This regulatory measure aimed at reducing the pollution episode is in effect until tomorrow, Saturday 09 September 2023, at 4 pm and can be extended if necessary. If the crisis intensifies in the coming days, new regulatory measures could be put in place, such as a differentiated vehicle trading system.

Order your Crit’Air decal

A reminder of the system for preventing the effects of air pollution. Two levels of actions can be activated:

  • Make an information recommendation This allows residents to be informed of the occurrence of the episode and remind them of the recommendations
  • Alert action This allows the implementation of regulatory measures to reduce polluting emissions

for further information

► Useful documentation

> Press release dated 07 September 2023 | Fine particulate matter (PM10) air pollution incident in Ille-et-Vilaine: alert action triggered

> Press release dated 08 September 2023 | Fine particle (PM10) air pollution incident in Ille-et-Vilaine: alert measure extended

> Prefectural decree of September 7, 2023 activating an alert procedure for an episode of atmospheric pollution by PM10

> Prefectural decree of September 8, 2023 activating an alert procedure for an episode of atmospheric pollution by PM10

> Health and behavioral recommendations during air pollution

► Useful links

> Location Air Breeze
> The article Air Pollution On the website of the Regional Health Agency of Brittany
> The article Air quality, a public health issue On the website of the province of Ille-et-Vilaine
> The article Practical arrangements for measuring varying traffic flow on the inner ring road On the website of the province of Ille-et-Vilaine
> The article National Crit’Air System On the website of the province of Ille-et-Vilaine
> The article Information and recommendations: Fine particulate matter (PM10) On the website of the province of Ille-et-Vilaine
> file Create Air device On the website of the province of Ille-et-Vilaine
> Location Recosanté

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