Podcast: What does the history of space conquest hide from us?

Podcast: What does the history of space conquest hide from us?

Beware of space vibes! In their rich history of the conquest of space, Irene Reignold and Arnaud Saint-Martin use critical thinking to sift through a century of astronaut history. interview.

What if you're a space fan for the wrong reasons? Behind the heroic astronauts who set out to conquer the universe to fulfill humanity's goal lies the less elegant reality of a space adventure that is often military, always strategic, and sometimes commercial. Irene Reynold is an author and research associate at the University of Technology of Compiègne. With Arnaud Saint-Martin, a sociologist of science and technology at the National Center for Scientific Research, they have been examining the development of space technologies and their accompanying human activities for several years. In “The History of the Conquest of Space”. From Nazi rockets to the astro-capitalists of the new space,” published by the newspaper La Fabrique, examines nearly

What if you're a space fan for the wrong reasons? Behind the heroic astronauts who set out to conquer the universe to fulfill humanity's goal lies the less elegant reality of a space adventure that is often military, always strategic, and sometimes commercial.

Irene Reynold is an author and research associate at the University of Technology of Compiègne. With Arnaud Saint-Martin, a sociologist of science and technology at the National Center for Scientific Research, they have been examining the development of space technologies and their accompanying human activities for several years.

in History of the conquest of space. From Nazi rockets to the astro-capitalists of the new space,” published by the newspaper La Fabrique, examines nearly

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Guillaume Langen, published on April 8, 2024, modified on April 8, 2024

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