Please give us this derby

Please give us this derby

Take a globe, put a pin in it at the height of Rome and let it come out the other side: the city’s opposites are drowned in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of New Zealand. One is the opposite of the other. Like Formello and Trigoria, they lie at the height and run the city, symbolically even before the cartographers. But the distance will expand further, it will be like the hub between Rome and Auckland, if Maurizio Sarri agrees to coach Lazio. He is against Jose Mourinho, not to mention. Opposites in comparison. Football philosophies are opposites, even if one complements the other. The main and most obvious factor: Sarri always wants the ball at his feet, and Jose willingly leaves it to his opponent, if necessary, and often needs it. At Chelsea, Sarri brought in Jorginho, and they still thank him; Mo’s reliable man in midfield was Matic instead, making all the difference in the world and in any case winning the 2015 Premier League title. One evening in 2009, after struggling with Inter Barcelona’s possession of Guardiola close to 70% in 0-0 Champions League match, Mourinho, all happy, revealed an apparent contradiction: “We were controlling the game without having the ball.” More or less what Tuchel had managed to score against Pep a few days before in the Porto final, but in short, such an announcement would make Sarri the hives, the man who only feels calm with the team in attack, in fact the Englishman they called Sarri Paul.

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Mourinho against Sarri would be a boon for Romanian football, would set the city on fire with new high and low debates, and would raise the level of disagreement several notches, which is exactly what we desperately need here. José is quick, clever and quick, an expert in blitzkrieg on and off the field: it is no coincidence that the last attack was won over Sarri, taking off the seat of Rome with a ferocious jerky, even introducing himself with the “dag” of the instant civilian Romanos, and let’s not Talking about how his career was earlier and more successful than the other, despite being four years younger to say, when Mourinho put his claws into the first European League, Sarri lifted the Italian D Cup with Sansovino. Their lives only began to approach in 2015, when Sarri arrived in Naples after endless rows, meanwhile, he brought Mo the third prime minister with Chelsea, but the irony was about to explode, and a few years later, with Sarri as Chelsea manager, starting with Hazard Down to all the players to say that they were finally playing in the opponent’s half, rather than playing them like Mourinho (and also Conte). José, smothering the crowd with expressive movements, makes a handcuff gesture that becomes iconic. The other patient weaves the wefts, is more silent and seems only more radiant, because the shouting and the words and the insults in the margins have cost him so much, but in the meantime he is the one who while José is pointing to the audience is probably taking notes in his book. small book. Give us the comparison between these two, please.

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