Plastic packaging can contaminate our dishes with ‘eternal pollutants’

Plastic packaging can contaminate our dishes with ‘eternal pollutants’

In a new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology Lettersresearchers from the University of Notre Dame (United State) successfully demonstrated that PFAS, commonly referred to as a “perpetual contaminant,” can transfer to food products and solvents within a week. the first.

PFAS are perforoalkylations, chemical compounds, that have been used since the 1950s and are found in some of them clothes, in cosmetics or in food packaging. PFAS is known to degrade (extremely) slowly, hence the nickname “eternal chemicals”.

High cholesterol, cancers, fertility problems…

According to this study, PFAS is able to transfer from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) fluorinated plastic containers to food, directly exposing consumers to hazardous chemicals. In fact, these same substances are responsible for many health problems such as cancers prostateKidney, testes and thyroid disease. PFAS causes an increase in cholesterol levels, which can lead to: cancerIt has effects on fertility and fetal development. They are also suspected of interfering with the endocrine (thyroid) and immune systems, ANSES warns.

To come to this conclusion, the researchers analyzed PFAS concentrations in olive oil, ketchup, and mayonnaise, which had been in contact with fluorinated plastic containers for seven days. “Based on the amount found in the different food samples, the study estimates that enough PFAS could be ingested from the food stored in the containers to pose a significant exposure risk,” the report said.

These types of containers are not usually intended for food storage. But despite all that, “nothing precludes their use for food preservation nowadays,” the researchers explain in their press release.

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