Patch 10.0.7: Blizzard Reaches – World of Warcraft Previews

With patch 10.0.7 of Dragon FlightIn this article, we will find out more about the Forbidden Expansions, the starting area of ​​the Dracthyrs. Blizzard has just published a new article showcasing the various activities that await us north of the Dragon Islands. Find it now below!

Now that Raszageth has been confirmed defeated, it’s time to answer some questions about the Evoker dracthyr and their past in the Forbidden Reaches. This high-level experience adds new bosses and objectives, more storms, new loot, and more.

Welcome to the village of Marqout, located on the island of Marqout

Every adventure in a new land has a starting point. You will start your journey in Morcote Island. Here you will find a large number of merchants and quest-givers ready for your first adventures in the Forbidden Reaches.

Stay on top of treasure targets and rewards as you explore the mysteries of restricted access. Who knows what cool new items you’ll find in there and who might reward you for finding them?

faction envoys

Choose to assist the Dracaret Expedition, Iskaarian Roharts, Maruuk Centaurs or Valdrakken Convention every day to get a 10% reputation boost with this faction. Envoys will occasionally offer Quests to gain more Reputation and Elemental Overflow to spend in Emissary Merchants for new rewards including four Dragonflight, Battle Pet Bosko and Mount Bruffalon premium customizations.

new treasures

Zeskira cellars

The game has begun, discover amazing treasure in Zskera vaults. Players will have the chance to enter the random treasure room to discover riddles, monsters, and mysteries. Explore a Vault tailored to your character and available until the next weekly reset. Each week, you’ll also be able to start a new quest from the Voraxian Black Dragon, which will take you deep into a long-buried past.

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keys please

Jeb and Tacha’s guides will help you start your Vault adventure and provide you with your first 6 Zskera Vault Keys. However, you will need to deeply explore the forbidden areas in order to unlock other doors.

You will need a different key for each cellar door. The keys are tied to the account and can therefore be easily used by your other characters to allow you to continue your exploration of the vaults.

Onyx amulet and primeval stones

When you first venture into the cellars of Zeskira, you will find the quest “Unusual Ring”. Bringing the Ring to Scholar Emareth in Markot will earn you the Onyx Amulet as a reward. Experimenting with Neltharion, you can endow the amulet with elemental power by curling up to three primeval stones in it. These primeval stones can be found in the treasures hidden in the cellars. Each combination introduces exciting new synergies, allowing you to create effects that will aid you on your journeys through the Forbidden Reaches and beyond.

Here are two examples:

The murmur of a mysterious stone
Primitive stone
Item level 405-425
Connect when you pick it up
EQ. unique
The murmur of a mysterious stone
Equipped: Magical damage has a chance to fire a mysterious missile for each group of the Primordial Stone family. Each projectile deals mysterious damage.

Storm soaked stone
Primitive stone
Item level 405-424
Connect when you pick it up
EQ. unique
Storm soaked stone
Equipped: Critical hits have a chance to stun the opponent and two other nearby opponents, dealing them nature damage.

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Primal stones can be split to upgrade your favorite stones at your local jeweler. You can also use these shards to purchase newer stones from Scholar Imareth. While you can’t buy specific stones, they are divided into families, allowing you to better target the ones you want.

Don’t be afraid of losing the primeval stones you have placed. It is possible to exchange them for other stones without destroying them.

New event: Mega Storm

The consequences of Razageth’s escape are still felt in his imprisonment. Primordial storms, composed of various elements, continue to rage in the region. Adventurers who weather these storms will gain enhanced storm gear. You will also accumulate elemental floods when you encounter puzzles and creatures of restricted access. The initial surplus can be exchanged for equipment on the island of Morqut or from Mythressa in Valdrakken

New Dragon Races

Take to the skies and experience six new races across No Access. Along the way, you’ll also gain access to new dragon-riding skills. Prepare to face danger during these races: the sky is not yours alone.

New pet fights

Meet a pet trainer in Forbidden Reaches for a new challenge and get new pets in battle.

Adventure awaits you

Nobody knows what terrible enemies you may encounter on your journeys to the forbidden expanses. Proceed with caution or you might come face to face with some of the most fearsome inhabitants of these lands.

Whether it’s discovering the dungeons and secrets of Zskera, learning about the mysterious Evokers and Dracthyr Evokers, or battling new enemies, we look forward to seeing you in Forbidden Reaches.

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