Passionate about space, La Mission students invite Thomas Bisquet to Polynesia • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision

Passionate about space, La Mission students invite Thomas Bisquet to Polynesia • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision

At La Mission School in Papeete, students in class CM1 A are interested in the solar system.

Their learning is based on an experience, that of the Frenchman Thomas Bisquet. All students know the astronaut’s flight. His career fascinates the whole class…sketches, poems, even diaries…the study of space allows for interdisciplinary learning. “this isIt is a multidisciplinary project that was intensively implemented over a period of 10 weeks, centered around influencer Thomas Pesquet. We were able to work around this project in several disciplines. Literature and science of course. We have a great writing project. We published a thematic class magazine about space…I wanted to take advantage of Thomas Bisquet’s presence in space to inspire children”explains Revanoi Beurafit Pollard, the teacher who started the project.

The experience continues beyond the classroom… as in the Virtual Reality Center. “For the science part, we were inspired by a national program. We had some discussions with Audrey Dussautour, a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research who led a large-scale project mainly in France and answered our questions, which broadcasted educational and interactive videos with students.

An experience that translates into sports lessons. Students participate in a gymnastics session inspired by those practiced by astronauts. “The aim of the game was to create different gymnastics workshops but also to place workshops a bit reminiscent of the space, that is, turn an obstacle to change your directions, blindfold, jump on a trampoline with medicine balls, Gymnastics teacher Stephen Herbert details. It looked like index cards that the teachers gave me.”

Some actually see themselves in space, following in the footsteps of Thomas Bisquet.

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