Parcoursup 2022: Science Po continues to be a hit!
Science Po is still popular and has a good number of records on Parcoursup! We give you more details.
Very young people are attracted to Science Po! The famous school continues To achieve success on Parcoursup. MCE TV gives you more details.
Parcoursup 2022: Science Po is a hit
Future students have finished formulating their wishes for steering platform Parkorsup. And we can say that this year, some schools have attracted a lot of young students.
Science Po for example, It appears to be popular on Parcoursup. Indeed, the famous Paris Institute of Political Studies Attracts more young people compared to previous years.
In total, the institution has registered nearly 12,000 applications for post-baccalaureate training! Just that. “Compared to 2020, we still have an increase of about 60%. So we still have a very large pool of candidates and attractiveness.” explains Matthias Fischerat, director of the foundation.
This increase in popularity is fully justified. In fact, it should be known that a file Change of access conditions In Science Po has something to do with it.
As a reminder, Science Po . has Parcoursup will enter at the beginning of the 2021 school year. This means that the Institute of Political Studies waives the entrance examination. It is also known to be very selective.
Now the students They are selected in the file. The results obtained in the baccalaureate and personal writings also have a role. Finally, if the file is good, they must also pass the oral.
Then four tests are planned. And each one has a score of 20. But not enough to discourage more motivation!

Over 1,000 places to start the school year
So Science Po has Lots of success on Parcoursup. To face For this tsunami of applications, The establishment decided to take matters into its own hands.
“We were a bit surprised last year by the number of orders. » Get to know Matthias Fischer. “OhSo take these elements into account. By recruiting more people for the administrative part. We also have 800 testers planned this year. » Explains Head of Science Po.
The Director also specifies that the candidates represent “all academies.” Thus, overseas territories are also taken into account.
The rate of scholarship recipients among applicants increases from 12% in 2021 to 14% this year. » he added. Moreover, you should know that Science Po offers between 1,100 and 1,200 places to start the school year. Next on the road Parkoursop only! Just that.
The director states that this is not a contest. This means that there is therefore no fixed number of places. “We also have 50% of international students. Those who are in other types of admission procedures.” he added.
Last year, Sciences Po doubled the number of high schools partnering in its program to recruit students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Nearly 2,300 students from this program have joined the institution.
Created 20 years ago, it was intended to diversify the profile of Sciences Po students, therefore, the school wanted to reserve a place for young people from working-class backgrounds. From now on, this program allows high school students to follow workshops that prepare them to integrate Science Po.
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