Ospek and Rica – In business and in sports… Why are homosexuality and transgenderism still taboo?

Ospek and Rica – In business and in sports… Why are homosexuality and transgenderism still taboo?

There is also an issue an example Women, analyzed together by Catherine Tribune and Christelle Foucault, Director of Diversity and Engagement at Sanofi Group. ” last spring, The latter adds, We organized a roundtable with athlete Pauline Déroulde to talk about the visibility of lesbians in the workplace. While setting it up, I realized I was having a hard time filling out a slide showing the most famous lesbians in the world, while gay men filled out three or four slides. “Women in business already suffer from the famous glass ceiling and have difficulty reaching positions of responsibility.” Whether this is true or not, women do not want to add another potential obstacle to their career advancement by revealing their sexual orientation or gender identity. “.

Companies, associations, control points

To date, 250 companies and organizations have signed the L’Autre Cercle LGBT+ Charter of Commitment. ” By signing, the companies commit to implementing a three-year business plan » To concretely promote the cause in the professional world. ” Signed by Sanofi in 2020 (It was re-signed a few weeks ago, editor’s note) “, says Christelle Foucault. This commitment is a continuation of the ERG Pride (internal networks of employees whose mission is to support the company’s diversity and inclusion policy) which was founded about ten years ago, in 2014 specifically for the LGBT+ community and friends (France) and which will therefore celebrate its tenth anniversary Its the year of the Olympic Games.

Signing the charter is a powerful moment for the company. It is a recognition of the importance of the network of collaborators and their contribution to breaking taboos and making the community visible in the professional world. », comments the director. By signing it, the company commits to taking concrete action,” Train managers and adapt job offers to be as comprehensive as possible “, but also activate social benefits for everyone.

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Progress in the business world is fragile, remembers Katherine Tribune. ” We depend on political coups Let us remember, for example, that 23 American states have done so Recently banned Participating in school sports for young trans girls. This decision is not without impact on their physical and psychological health, and on their social integration, which further contributes to their exclusion from society. ” Never won, the corporatist world is a watchdog The company too.

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