Oriana Seitz, New Zealand Latin Folklore

Oriana Seitz, New Zealand Latin Folklore

New Zealand, The land of fjords, volcanoes and glaciers, has welcomed an Ecuadorian singer-songwriter for a year Oriana Seitz, Who arrived on vacation, but for pandemicThis became his new home, which inspired him to pursue his greatest passion: music.

During this stay, she was invited to compose a piece that would set the documentary series to music. New Zealand storiesWhere, roughly, every month has a date Latin immigrants In that country.

With the single “Lejos”, singer-songwriter Ecuadorian He reaffirms that music is their means of escape, but in turn, it is a means of communicating with people, through song lyrics and lyrical content, because it has the power to heal and change moods.

The land of the kiwi was a way to communicate with nature, which drastically changed the rhythm of their lives

“As an immigrant, it was amazing Experience Individual and group. What I do mention in the lyrics is not just about me, I am talking about all of us who are here and the difficulty of leaving and leaving your country of origin. There are quite a few people with a university degree and formal education working in a cafeteria or anything else. “A lot of people are leaving wanting to be abroad, but that always gives you the feeling that you are far away, and now with the epidemic, you feel a lot more,” Oriana Seitz tells Report Indigo.

In the poems it is said that many fled InjusticeDictators, they left the flag in the hands of their fathers or they came to those lands to walk the streets safely.

For the singer-songwriter, it was a huge privilege to perform this piece, because she had studied five years ago United StateMore this year in New Zealand, without being able to get to Ecuador to see loved ones, so the theme Immigration It was actually something that knew how to live and feel.

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“When I couldn’t leave New Zealand, I felt sad that I couldn’t see my family and friends, but it wasn’t too bad because here we are calmer about the pandemic issue, I’m used to it. This project helped me grow and feel that I could live anywhere in the world And the feeling of being at home; for something that was from back bagYou have another perspective to compose it, “he says.

Connect with nature

The land of the kiwi was the way to communicate with nature, Which generates a drastic change in the rhythm of their lives. Inspired by natural phenomena such as the northern lights and glaciers; Additionally, the fact that it is surrounded by nearly 5 million inhabitants of the island has helped find it Self-development s my soul.

“Beyond” Lejos, “a project with a clear vision that would be very Latin American with little folklore and vocal machines, I’m working on new songs, it’s going to be more minimumMore Zen, I am not trying to integrate everything at the same time, I think about it more, go straight to what I want to say and this was thanks to the experience of being in New Zealand, to expose myself to another culture, other ideas and ways of living, ”he shared.

One of the main barriers was re-learning of the English language, because, according to her, New Zealanders had stronger expressions and accents that she did not understand. However, since her arrival, she has been so well received by the community that they even said they were attracted to her South American culture.

There is a small community of LatinosBeing with them, one feels the need to regain its roots in Latin America, and honestly it cost me that, but with this project I became more connected to my origin of continuing to speak Spanish, and we helped each other reconnect. New Zealanders also care about our language, they make us feel that there are opportunities to grow, little by little, you’ve found a home, “he admits.

A new life by Oriana Seitz

During these months, Oriana Seitz has also benefited from the New Zealand music industry and the employment opportunities it provides. Initially, she began working as a volunteer to take care of homes when her owners went on vacation or, as is now the case, in a coffee shop, where she had the opportunity to meet more people and get to know more. Local culture.

Sometimes I look for this sense of community, but I have learned that I can bring something from my culture with me, there are many people to share it with. All the time I try to write in Spanish to keep it always present, and this is how I feel at home, it’s poetic and very beautiful language

Oriana Seitz


This journey allowed him to be more independent, and to know Musicians, To be able to sing live elsewhere, experiences that made her stronger. Last year, she gave her first show in Spanish with her partner who played with her guitar.

“I realized that music is a language and that I can sing in Spanish easily. I am currently getting more presentations, as I found a link to a program. Local teams And with an alternate independent scene of the city, though there is reggae, rock and pop music. People tell me they’ve never heard anything like this before, and it makes me feel good that they love my music, and in fact my music has already been added to my Latin pop independent and popular voices playlist, and that makes me very happy, ”he said.

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With her music, Oriana Seitz wants to transfer to Persons Cheer up and make their day, because it helped her a lot as a child by being her salvation.

“I like to write a lot about it Self-empowermentAbout self-love and mental health I want to talk about it with my music. It can be fun, but squeeze juice out of it and see how far I can go with it and change someone’s life, ”he says.

Her philosophy of life is to take advantage of every moment and not get bogged down in thinking about every terrible thing that is happening around the world. Music came to his rescue during this confinement, in composition, in Creativity e inspiration Which you can try in New Zealand.

The nature here is incredible, it leaves the city and in about 20 minutes it’s all green, mountains, rivers, it’s unbelievable, the truth is I feel like I’m missing a little bit of world history. However, I think you don’t have to go to the other side of the world, like I did, to feel that you can leave your city and make a change, “he concludes.

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