Opening of the French Service Center – Le Petit Journal

Opening of the French Service Center – Le Petit Journal

The MP, Deputy Governor and Mayor cut the ribbon.

The MP, Deputy Governor and Mayor cut the ribbon.

With the aim of strengthening the presence of local public services by simplifying access to them, a French service space was opened in the heart of Maisons Laglace. This network consists of approved structures from a single window that brings together several departments. A response to the “administrative obstacle course” as highlighted by the Mayor of Castelnau District, Sandrine Segal. After cutting the tricolor ribbon alongside the Deputy Prefect Hélène Lestarquet, the project director of the Prefect of the Occitanie region, the Prefect of Haute-Garonne, the deputy of North Toulouse, Jean-François Portarieu, and several mayors of Frontones, the Mayor of Castelnau thanked all the actors and stakeholders that enabled the good Work progress in this space in March 2022. At a time when physical access to all administrative procedures is more complex than ever for some of us, the services team in France also advises on procedures and helps with using a digital service. This comprehensive center also allows privileged access to many public services of the state such as: Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice, Public Finance, DGCCRF as well as CAF, MSA, Health Insurance, Pôle Emploi or again CARSAT; France Services, located at 29 Avenue Grande, intends to respond to the various requests of citizens in our territory. Open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm. Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm. Information on 05 34 27 66 40.

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